Artsy Me

More Sketching

Here a few more of the sketches I made under lock down during the covid pandemic. Can’t believe this was more than 2 years ago.

Please note that these are not original sketches and copied. Credits to the rightful artists.



My first sketch post. This is a portrait sketch of Timothee Chalamet from his movie- The King.

Please note that this is not an original sketch and a copy. Credits to the rightful artist.

School Life

How close are we towards the reality of Star Wars?

I have grown up watching the Star Wars series and each time I watch it, it never stops to fascinate me. Star Wars is a series of space opera films which began in 1977 by George Lucas. It focuses on various themes such as good vs. evil, bravery, growing up and other ageless concepts along with a lot of emphasis on science fiction. The movies exhibit a wide range of scientific technologies such as droids, space travel, and even more fictitious elements such as people living, traveling and battling between different galaxies. Despite the movie’s highly futuristic settings, many of its elements are still relevant today. It is stupefying how a movie created over forty years ago shows so many technologies that exist and are still developing today.

Let’s look into Star Wars’ notable realm of artificial intelligence. Throughout the series we see different types of droids and robots performing tasks we never might have imagined 40 years ago. For example, the exasperating C3PO is a humanoid built for etiquette, protocol and is a treasure of knowledge. It is fluent in more than seven million forms of communication. We are not far from the reality of C3PO, with developments like Atlas robot, Google translate, Siri and Alexa. The reality of R2D2 might be within reach as there already have been advancements in autopilot spaceships and self driving cars. One of the ethical dilemmas that arise with the progression of artificial intelligence is robots and humans having an emotional relationship. Star Wars gives us a view on this. It shows us an emotional relationship between R2D2 and C3PO with their masters. It also establishes an emotional relationship between the two robots which is very comfortable and similar to a relationship between two humans. Parallels can be drawn in the actual world with examples such as Pepper and AIBO, robots with the ability to read emotions. Star Wars also shows a clone army which can be related to the developments of cloning in agriculture and animals through biotechnology.

Star Wars also showcases artificial intelligence in the field of medicine. It exhibits how robots and machines have replaced humans in the task of performing surgeries and medical operations. We see this when Princess Amidala gives birth, when Darth Vader’s body is reconstructed and when Luke Skywalker recovers from an attack. In reality too, machines and robots are playing a huge role in assisting and performing medical tasks and surgeries. 

Another conspicuous part of Star Wars is its presentation of space travel. It can be considered too far- fetched and far away from reality. Star Wars shows space ships as big as cities and commute between multiple galaxies where in reality, humans are yet to reach planets and the closest we have come to Star War like developments is ISS.

Many ideas of novels and movies that seemed abstract then, have now turned into reality. George Orwell’s 1984 described CCTV cameras, Star Trek showcased cell phones, A Space Odyssey displayed tablets and video calling, all of which are an integral part of our daily lives now.

Star Wars also shows us the consequences of scientific advancements, a pervasive world where in a blink, planets can be erased. Are these sci-fi futuristic movies and novels a reflection or clues of our future, that humanity will belong to? Does being a part of the Star Wars space opera come with a warning or excitement?

School Life

Follow the R’s

Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, Rent, Restrict. Help save the environment by decreasing your waste. Be mindful in using and throwing resources. Be considerate in sharing the planet with other creatures.

Say no to plastic.

#Zero Waste Community


She Was A Flower

She was a flower,
the most beautiful one in the field.
She stood straight up solitary
Always reaching higher into the sky.
For seldom the sun appeared
from beneath the clouds.
Sporadically showered his rays 
upon her, yet she bloomed.

She was a flower,
Never able to let go
off her petals. But as
they fell she managed
to find new ones with time.

She was a flower, 
who swayed with the soft 
winds of summer and 
chrouched during the 
harsh chills of winter 
that tried to rip her apart.
But she kept her roots firm
beneath the ground but still
became droopy at times. 

She was a flower,
who started to wither
and fade for she could 
never absorb the sunlight
and the sun never understood
her, for a peculiar flower
she was. But all she wanted was
to embrace the sun. But as
all wise men know the sun 
can never be embraced unless
one is ready to burn and bleed to death.

She was a flower,
who wanted to stop 
the wind and curse the sun.
She wanted to tell everyone,
the world about her hurt.
But she was a flower-
delicate, pretty and sweet
to look at, so she turned away
from the sun and the winds
leaving them dazed.
She faded away cause 
nobody ever noticed. 

- By Navya Goyal

School Life


For my Gr. 10 IB Personal Project, I have chosen to explore Indian architecture, specifically the science and technical logic behind Indian homes. I was inspired to work on Indian homes from my travels in India and around the world where I observed the local homes were all unique and originated from their local culture, geography and weather.